Sifi Treatment Doorhanger (R2NE)


   (Information and notes are subject to change, because this is written specifically for this visit.)

Today’s visit contains pre-emergent weed control (Liquid) & season-long fertilizer (Dry) for extended turf feeding of key nutrients. 

Wait until the treatment has dried for light outdoor activity. This spray dries to the touch in ~1-2hrs, but limit exposure until watered in and dried. Once watered in & dried, all normal outdoor activity can resume, including mowing. 

Your next official visit should be mid-Summer.

You get 1 free Q/A consultation visit/yr, so use it. Call John (owner) if you have questions or issues and let’s fix it.

- To the extent that this treatment is activated correctly, will determine its effectiveness.

Watering Instructions: (Calibration based on “Rotating” sprinklers 40 to 80 min = approx. 1/2" of water.  Reduce to half that for “stationary” or “mister-type” sprinklers, use rain gage to confirm exact amount)
To activate this treatment correctly:
WAIT ~48hrs. before watering to allow the weed killer to stick & kill weeds (2hr rain fast warranty).

THEN water-in to activate the fertilizer & pre-emergent, wait no longer than 10 days, the sooner the better.

For the best possible results, use gentle irrigation sprinklers 48hrs after treatment, during non-windy conditions, NOT waiting on unpredictable rainfall which may wash it away or may not be the correct amount of water.

Activation requires 1/2" of water per area with sprinklers. (See above calibration).

Regular watering thereafter. CLICKHERE to see our watering guide to water correctly throughout the year. 

Mowing Instructions: 
To activate this treatment correctly: Avoid mowing until after watering-in this treatment and soil dries. Always use a sharp blade. Mow often enough to avoid excessive clippings of more than 1/3 of grass blade length. As Winter approaches, do not reduce cut height, but rather allow a dense turf canopy to protect the grass roots during winter. Then scalp lawn in the spring just before green up (~April 1st)Any lawn scalping beyond this point may compromise this treatment so do not scalp or bag after this treatment has been made.

Lawn Treatment Disclaimer
If your lawn is in a weakened/unhealthy condition, treatments may temporarily stun/damage your grass.  A soil test should be taken to determine turf health.  If you see signs that your lawn is responding negatively to any treatment, please contact us ASAP so we can do a soil test and place your lawn on “Sensitive status” which means we will use different treatment methods until the problem is corrected.  

See what else we do at GreenMasterStillwater.comContact us at / (405) 707-0151