Top 5 Things You Can Do To Insure Good Weed Control

1. Watering-in treatments correctly as advised on the E-Doorhanger sent to you after each treatment. Watering too little, too much or waiting too long can all compromise the weed control results. Waiting on rainfall is not recommended. Rainfall can wash away weed spray & fertilizer or worse, force the pre-emergent too deep into the rootzone of the turfgrass which can cause turf damage. Gentle irrigation is much preferred to unpredictable rainfall.

When irrigated correctly, the pre-emergent can get to the exact depth required and then dries and bonds to the soil creating a weed prevention barrier – this is how it’s done.

2. Avoid mowing with dirty/weedy mowers. Even lawn mowing services can bring in unwanted weeds. The best way is to use your own mower and don’t mow weeds with it, keep it clean & uncontaminated.

3. Turf must be healthy enough to pose natural competition to weeds. Be sure it’s not being suppressed by: Grubs/insects, lack of sunlight, soil compaction, soil infertility, poor drainage, soil movement. Have us do a soil test.

4. Take what measures you can to reduce high weed pressure from surrounding areas.

5. Avoid over watering (includes rainfall) which prematurely washes away & dilutes the weed preventing active ingredients in the pre-emergent. Over watering causes weed problems like “Nut-Sedge” & “Crabgrass” & other hard to kill weeds. See our season-long water guide

Top 5 Reasons Why Your Lawn Might Be Thinning Out

You almost assuredly have at least one, if not multiple of the following things acting on your lawn.

1. Shade/Tree suppression of turfgrass – all grasses need at least some sunlight and good airflow to be healthy. Trees rob grasses of water, nutrients & sunlight.

2. Grubs - eating the root system of your grass.

3. Winter Kill - root system too shallow or not enough turf canopy cover to protect from extreme freeze (this one mainly applies to Bermuda grass).

4. Soil Infertility – A pH imbalance or lacking key nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorus & Potassium or other micro nutrients. We can take a soil sample and do a soil test.

5. Soil Compaction – we have mostly clay soil here in our area and it gets hard as a brick & roots cannot penetrate, core aeration & top dressing with “Rich-Mix” top soil will introduce organic matter, loosening the soil allowing it to breath.